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Plenary Sessions

Plenary 1 : Indian Space Program: Achievements and Future Directions

India's achievements in space exploration, including Chandrayaan and Mangalyaan missions, and outline the future goals and roadmap.

Plenary 2 : Uncovering policy reforms and fostering opportunities for transformative growth of Geo-Space Entrepreneurship and Startups followed by economy of Country

Showcase emerging space startups in India and their contributions to the space industry, as well as role of Policies and regulations to provide opportunities for investment and growth. Also Address the legal and regulatory aspects of space activities, including space debris management, satellite frequency allocation, and space traffic management.

Plenary 3: Space Tourism: The Next Frontier: Explore the emerging field of space tourism, discussing its potential, challenges, and the role India can play in this industry.

Plenary 4 : Satellite Technology Advancements  & Space Debris and Traffic Management: Capacity and Capability of New Bharat.

Highlight innovations in satellite technology, including small satellites, CubeSats, and advanced imaging and communication systems. Discuss India's efforts in managing space debris and ensuring safe and sustainable space activities.

Plenary 5 : Space Security and Defence

Discuss the challenges and strategies for ensuring the security and defence of space assets and infrastructure.

Plenary 1 : Emerging Technologies in Geospatial: AI, IoT, and Blockchain: Explore how emerging technologies like artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, and blockchain are enhancing geospatial applications.

Plenary 2 : Geospatial Intelligence for National Security: Examine the role of geospatial intelligence and drone technology in strengthening India's national security and border surveillance.  Resilience in the Age of Pandemics

Plenary 3: Space for Sustainable Development: Examine how space technology can contribute to achieving sustainable development goals, including remote sensing for agriculture, water resource management, and disaster resilience.

Plenary 4 : Future Generations of Women in Geo-Space- Building Supportive Network Share insights on inspiring and educating the next generation of girls and young women interested in pursuing careers in Geo-Space. Discuss the importance of building professional networks, support groups, and communities for women in the Geo-Space sector

Plenary 5 : "Public-Private Partnerships in Geo-Space Capacity Building: Lessons from India"

Description: Explore how partnerships between government agencies, private companies, and educational institutions in India are contributing to capacity building in the Geo-Space sector. Discuss best practices, challenges, and outcomes of such collaborations.

Plenary 1 : "Investing in Geo-Space Startups: Opportunities and Challenges" and way forward

Description: Explore investment trends, funding sources, and challenges faced by Geo-Space startups in India, featuring insights from investors and venture capitalists.

Plenary 2 : "Geo-Space Startups for Social Impact: Solving Real-World Challenges"

Description: Showcase startups that are using Geo-Space technology to address social and environmental issues in India, including healthcare, agriculture, and disaster management.

Plenary 3: "Space Tech for Non-Space Startups: Expanding the Geo-Space Ecosystem"

Description: Discuss how non-space startups can incorporate Geo-Space technology and data into their offerings, expanding the reach of the Geo-Space ecosystem.

Plenary 4 : "The Future of Urban Air Mobility (UAM): Opportunities and Challenges for Drone Startups"

Description: Explore the potential of drones in urban air transportation and the challenges faced by startups in this emerging field.

Plenary 5 "Security and Surveillance: Enhancing Border Security and Critical Infrastructure Protection"

Description: Examine how drones are utilized in border surveillance, critical infrastructure protection, and law enforcement operations in India.